Why/what/how, live up to 99 yrs old?

Hi TayGB, So sorry to hear about the demised of yr beloved dad . May his soul rest in peace πŸ™
What are the best practices that I could learn from? In yr opinion, what are the best practices that make your late dad live till 99?

Answers from TayGB;
My dad was a teenager during the Japanese occupation. He came.from a family of Planter and they owned lands in Kuala Sg Baru & Linggi. He and a cousin went to stay by themselves in the remote lands to cultivate tapioca and other edible stuff. One day, the hut was attacked and they ran away but cousin was taken. The next day, his father came and took him back to Melaka town. Many other youths were snatched away and none been heard of coming back. The tapioca plot was abandoned and he began to work the land of a relative in Mata Kuching. It was few years later, after the Japs.surrendered , he learned about the River Kwai....the cousin did not come back.

Since then, he was very determined to be physically stronger, able to run faster and not to fall sick..

After independence of Malaya, he worked for the govt to educate smallholders on Rubber replanting. This later was known as RISDA, where he worked till 55yo. 

He listened to all Dr advice concerning the proper diet. He never smoked and ever since i can remember, he will avoid drinking at wedding dinners by always saying that he cannot drink due to health reasons....

Why he lived till 99? It cannot be the genes. Both his parents died in early 70s. From accounts of how they had died, I can guess that his father, grandfather and grandmother must have died of complications due to to hypertension; either stroke or cardiac arrest. All were sudden death. 

He has 7 other siblings from same.mother. The youngest also worked the family lands from a young age, same as my dad but he died of lymphoma before age of 60. Another 3 died early 70s due to stroke or lung infection. Another younger brother died early 80s. One sister still surviving and she is now 95.

I think hypertension related complication is an inherited disease. But dad got his signs of chest pains when he was 80 yo. He was admitted to IJN and 3 blocks were cleared. From then on, he diligently took all his medications. 

He has.several other practices. His main meal is lunch. Since age of 60 , he occasionally fasted or took very little at dinner. Also since this age, he meditated everyday. 

Another inherited disease that did not spare dad and me is gout. Or high uric acid. Both of us and several other cousins got the disease in our 40's. 

Dad was.determined to beat gout by changing his dietary intake. If one must follow strictly all the prohibited food, many stuff cannot be eaten . Dad was very disciplined to avoid the whole list. I think this restricted diet has delayed his first heart attack till he reached early 80s.  

In his early years, he must have practiced running or cycling. Since retirement and due to joint pains caused by gout, he gave up all exercises including walking. However, he worked till sundown in our plot of land. We can see that he exerts much physical stamina doing this work. He was working the land till age of 90. Now, I tried to do same physical activity on same.land but I put in only about less than 10% physical work compared to dad when he was my age. 
. Maybe after this month, I can increase to 20%. I think will never.matched his stamina to work the land. 

Above photos were taken in June this year, when dad welcomed the 2nd great grandchild. Maybe another reason for his long life was he married someone who was 14 yrs younger. She remained by his side all the time.

In short, I guess his secret is first the restricted diet ( mainly veggies base ) due to gout. Next could be due to the non monotonous physical activity by working on the land, farming . 

Compiled by 
Tay KC
An avid cyclist 
A Semiconductor industrialist 
2nd October 2023


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